After conducting research for my banking brand, it’s time to move on to the brand development stage.

Bank Brand Ideas

I began to mind map ideas for my banking brand. I had a few ideas such as implementing a budgeting plan and to have alerts when you went over the budget, having current news updates on the economy and how the bank could help the user. Other ideas included having a price comparison feature built into the app or student discounts, possibly both could be included. I spoke to my tutor about this and he liked the idea of having a price comparison and student discount feature. I’m happy about this as it was one of my favourite ideas and I’m glad I’ll get to explore this further.


Brand values

I started brainstorming qualities that I would want my bank to have, to see if I could find any of values I want my brand to have.


I narrowed it down to my five favourite values, at the time, I thought these were the best values for my brand. However, as time went and I understood the importance of a brands values, I realised that these values were generic and I needed to personalise it for my brand.

Secure, Trustworthy, Reliable, Convenient, Accessible