Project Overview

Millions of people experience migraines, yet diagnosis often requires extensive tracking and communication with healthcare providers. This process can be overwhelming, leaving many undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Drawing from personal experience, I created Headway, a smartwatch app designed to help users track migraine symptoms and link their data with doctors’ medical systems, facilitating more accurate and timely diagnoses.

With only one week to complete this project, I conceptualised and developed Headway, conducting user research and designing the app interface.

Design Process


Conducted competitor analysis on leading health and migraine apps (e.g., Migraine Buddy, Headache Log). Explored smartwatch features and industry-standard research techniques using resources like Asana’s guide on competitive analysis. Investigated colour therapy for migraines, referencing studies by Harvard Medical School, which highlighted green light's soothing effect.

Ideation and Sketching

Brainstormed features based on real-world challenges (e.g., tracking pain location, duration, and triggers). Created initial sketches emphasising user-friendly, non-overwhelming screens optimised for smartwatch constraints.


Designed and iterated low-fidelity wireframes in Figma, refining layouts to improve usability and visual hierarchy. Transitioned from linear to circular logging interfaces for better clarity and space optimisation.

Design Decisions

Feedback and Iterations

Incorporated critique to improve illustrations iterated on the head pain map, combining front and side views for better accuracy and user experience. As well as this, I expanded screen designs, and streamlined user flows. Enhancing interface details like bold text and refining layouts for better readability and alignment with app branding were also adopted.