The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 global objectives established by the United Nations to create a better, more sustainable future for everyone by 2030. Each goal addresses pressing global challenges, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice. To start the project, I had to research the 17 Sustainable Development goals and choose which one I’d like to redesign.

After taking a look at the SDGs, there were goals that stood out more than others. I think I would like to redesign the ones that didn’t stand out to me as I feel like it could be a nice challenge to design something that doesn’t stand out to people and try to make it interesting.


THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development

SDGs that don’t stand out to me:

I came across a quiz on the SDG website that helps you figure out what SDGs you’re most passionate about based on your personality. I thought this would be an interesting thing to do and it could help inform me on what SDG I would like to create a brand for. The quiz suggested that I would be suited for quality education, good health and well-being, decent work and economic growth and reduced inequalities.

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I’ve chosen SDG 9 as I found it least interesting and I thought it would be good to challenge myself and learn something new. As this is a more complex SDG, I’m going to make my target audience undergraduates.

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation